Archetypes Business Leadership Team Building

Beyond 360 and 720 Degree Feedback: How 5A Transforms Workplace Dynamics

Imagine you’re at a team meeting. One person, let’s call him Jack, is actively listening, nodding, and giving thoughtful responses. Another, David, seems distracted, checking his phone and giving one-word answers. Have you ever wondered how these engagement styles affect the team’s overall dynamics? Understanding these styles isn’t just about noticing who’s paying attention – it’s about transforming how we work together.

The Power of Engagement Styles

Jack’s active listening can foster the conditions for his teammates to feel valued and respected. When people are dignified and honored, they’re more likely to contribute ideas and collaborate, knowing their input is appreciated. David’s disengagement, on the other hand, can foster the conditions for a ripple effect of low morale and decreased productivity. If Jack and David understood how their styles impacted the team, they could proactively boost their internal resilience and adjust their behavior in team situations to foster a more growth minded and empathetic environment.

Encouraging Engagement: Consider a manager who practices empathy, knowing what her team members need to feel encouraged and leading from that perspective. By regularly acknowledging the diverse ways her people grow and learn, she boosts her team’s morale. For example, when an employee who appreciates public acknowledgement successfully completes a challenging project, the manager’s recognition in a staff meeting makes them feel accomplished and motivated to tackle the next task with enthusiasm.

Discouraging Engagement: Now, think about a manager who believes everyone should tackle tasks the same way she does.This behavior can stifle creativity and make employees feel undervalued. Imagine if David’s disengagement was a result of being judged and criticized for his creative style, simply because it was different than his manager’s. If his manager dignified him more, he might become as engaged as Jack.

Traditional Feedback Methods: 360-Degree and 720-Degree Reviews

To understand these dynamics, many companies turn to feedback systems like 360-degree and 720-degree reviews.

360-Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback collects opinions from an employee’s supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes clients. It’s like getting a panoramic view of someone’s performance.


  • Provides a broad perspective.
  • Encourages self-awareness.


  • Bias and Inaccuracies: Feedback can be influenced by personal relationships and organizational politics.
  • Fear of Retribution: Lack of anonymity can result in less honest feedback.
  • Time-Consuming: Gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources is a lengthy process.
720-Degree Feedback

720-degree feedback takes it a step further, adding a follow-up review to assess the effectiveness of any interventions.


  • Validates development programs.
  • Promotes continuous improvement.


  • Increased Bias: Additional reviews can amplify initial biases.
  • Rater Fatigue: More frequent evaluations may lead to rushed or less thoughtful responses.

Both methods have their merits, but they also come with significant drawbacks. The reliability of these systems heavily depends on the truthfulness and emotional state of the raters, which can vary widely, especially in today’s unpredictable climate, and compromise the accuracy of these assessments.

The Limitations of 360 & 720 Feedback

Truthfulness Issues: People might not always be completely honest in their feedback, especially if they fear retaliation or want to avoid conflict. This lack of transparency can skew results and lead to ineffective action plans.

Bias and Cognitive Distortions: Raters might unintentionally project their own issues onto others. For instance, a stressed manager might rate their team poorly, not because of the team’s performance but due to their own high stress levels.

The Five Archetypes: A Better Solution

The Five Archetypes assessment – is a game-changer in understanding engagement styles and interactive dynamics. Unlike traditional feedback methods, the Five Archetypes assessment reveals how we relate to stress, to each other, to tasks, providing a clear, unbiased picture of how to cultivate the conditions for the most impactful engagement among your team.

How It Works:

  • Objective Analysis: Focuses on one’s own personal relationship to stress and daily activities rather than subjective opinions about others.
  • Actionable Insights: Delivers specific guidance tailored to improving individual and team dynamics.
  • Efficiency: Offers profound insights in a shorter timeframe without extensive data collection.


  • No Bias: By removing subjective human judgment, it eliminates bias and inaccuracies.
  • Clear Guidance: Provides practical steps to predict and avoid friction in relationships.
  • Holistic Understanding: Reveals multi-dimensional insights and interactive dynamics that traditional feedback isn’t equipped to recognize.
Why the Five Archetypes is Superior

Imagine a team where each member understands their archetypal makeup and how to leverage this knowledge to optimize interactions with others. Jack might realize that his active listening is a natural strength that he can use to mentor others. David might discover that his disengagement stems from believing people who like to work fast also undervalue his work and will learn proactive strategies to understand and reconnect with his team.

The Five Archetypes assessment provides a clear, self-reflective view that empowers individuals to inspire the best in themselves and others. By focusing on self-awareness, personal growth, and organizational expansion, it fosters an environment where everyone can thrive.


Understanding and leveraging engagement styles to overcome oppositional and limited thinking is vital for creating a motivated and productive workplace. While traditional feedback methods like 360 and 720-degree reviews offer valuable insights, they are often rendered unhelpful by personal biases and fears. The Five Archetypes assessment transcends these limitations, delivering reliable, actionable insights without the need for subjective feedback from employees about their team members and supervisors. Embrace the Five Archetypes to unlock your team’s potential and create a thriving, dynamic work environment.